Category: Sains

Chemistry Learning Using TAI and GI Methods Overviewd from the Student’s Curiousity and Creativity

author : Nurul Septiana ABSTRACT The purposes of the research to know: (1) the effect of TAI and GI methods toward learning achievement, (2) the effect of the students’ curiousity toward  learning achievement, (3) the effect of thr students’ creativitytoward learning achievement, (4) the interaction between students’s curiosity with the TAI and GI method to …

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Studying by using CEP (Chemo-Entrepreneurship) Approach with SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) Vision for Increase Students Achievment

author : Mukhlis Rohmadi   ABSTRACT This research is for detect : (1) use approach of SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) and CEP (Chemo-Entrepreneurship) can increase the chemistry cognitive achievement of students of classes XI science program with Colloid System Chapter; (2) use approach of SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) and CEP (Chemo-Entrepreneurship) …

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Learning I-SETS (Islamic, Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) is an enhancement of  SETS learning. In this study, teaching and learning process while providing the material as a material science major, but it will also be considered and added to the environment, technology and society in connection with the material being taught, do not miss  Islamic values ​​contained in the learning, so in addition to acquire knowledge and techology, students also learn the value of existing Islam.   The concept of I-SETS learning is not much different SETS learning, just add the value of Islamin linking the four elements of SETS. Picture of the relationship I-SETS components are as follows: I-SETS own learning has the following characteristics: Continued emphasis on the subject of learning and thinking linking learners to think about the technology and benefits to …

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