Comparison in Applying of Macromedia Flash and Video Media with Cooperative Model Type STAD of Human Respiration System Material toward Students Motivation and Learning Result at SMPN 12 Palangka Raya Grade VIII

Nur, Rahmadani. 2017.Comparison in Applying of Macromedia Flash and Video Media with Cooperative Model Type STAD of Human Respiration System Material toward Students Motivation and Learning Result at SMPN 12 Palangka Raya Grade VIII (Thesis). Palangka Raya: Publicated on IAIN Palangka Raya’s Thesis. Advisor I : Dr. H. Suadma, M.Biomed., Advisor II : H. Mukhlis Rohmadi, M.Pd.




This research is started by students’ difficulty in understanding and mastering learning material which is abstract especially material about human respiration system. This case is caused by mistake in choosing of learning strategy and lack of media that is used in teaching learning process. We hope the using of media will make students be easier in understanding abstract things to become concrete and can increase ability in mastering concept about human respiration system material.

The purpose of this research is to know: (1) is there significantly difference between students’ result which used macromedia flash and video media on basic human respiration system material, (2) is there significantly differences of students’ learning results before and after which used macromedia flash and video media, (3) students’ motivation in using macromedia flash on basic human respiration system material, (4) students’ motivation in using video media on basic human respiration system material, (5) students’ responses after learning process by using macromedia flash and video media.

This research used quantitative approach and descriptive research kind. The instruments in this research are cognitive learning result test, students’ motivation questionnaire and questionnaire of students’ responses toward learning. Population in this research are students’ of SMPN 12 Palangka Raya grade VIII academic year 2016/2017, with research sample: 21 students grade VIII B as experiment class and 21 students grade VIII C as control class. Every group is given different treatment. Students’ cognitive learning result of pretest and post-test is analyzed by using SPSS program version 21.0 for windows.

The research result showed that : (1) post-test average score of experiment class 1 is 60,15, and experiment class 2 is 69,81. Based on hypotheses test analysis used Independent-Samples T Test, there is significant different between students who is teached by using macromedia flash and video media with score sig* 0,014 < 0,05, (2) percentage average of students’ learning motivation that used macromedia flash about 75.57% and percentage of learning motivation used video media about 71.9%, (3) students’ responses toward learning which used macromedia flash generally happy (86%), new (90%), and usefull (95%). Students also happy (67%) if all of basic material is teached by using macromedia flash. Students responses toward learning which used video media generally happy (62%), new (48%), and usefull (90%). Students also happy (62%) if all of basic material is teached by using video media.

Keywords: Macromedia Flash, Video Media, Learning Motivation and Learning Result

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