
Implemented learning in science subjects has been rarely associated with related technology. Basically, science is closely related to the technology developed. To further make meaningless learning basic chemistry, it is necessary to develop I-SETS’ (Islamic, Science, Environment, Technology and Society) learning. This is a challenge for educators to develop I-SETS’ learning models.

This issues of this study  is “how to I-SETS’ learning on Basic Chemistry course?” This study aims to determine the concept of I-SETS learning course on Basic Chemistry and provides an alternative way to carry out a valuable learning basic chemical elements of Islam and SETS.

In this study, subjects were students who take Basic Chemicals courses at academic year 2012/2013. This research is the development of research used to develop the learning models I-SETS, which is the connecting link elements of learning Science, Environment, Technology, Society which is based on Islamic values. In application, it is seen that the student activity are increased and gain new experience in the science, and learning not only learn science alone but relate it to other agencies, as well as an element of abandonment is not Islam.


Keyword : I-SETS, Learning, chemistry, islamic, science, environment, technology, society


  1. saya tertarik dengan I-SETS utk penelitian lebih lanjut.. bs minta contac personnya.. semoga ilmunya menjadi amal jariyah.. aamiin

    1. silakan kontak ke, untuk dapat berkomunikasi lebih lanjut…aamiin…terima kasih telah berkunjung dan mari kembangkan penelitian ini.

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