The Implementation Of Cooperative Learning Model Of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Type Against Student Activities And Students’ Learning Outcome On The Topic Of Substance And Its Form At SMP Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya On Academic Year 2016/ 2017

Dani, Umar. 2016. The Implementation Of Cooperative Learning Model Of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Type Against Student Activities And Students’ Learning Outcome On The Topic Of Substance And Its Form At SMP Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya On Academic Year 2016/ 2017. (Thesis). Palangka Raya: Publicated on IAIN Palangka Raya’s Thesis.


This study is aimed to know: (1) The activities of teachers and students in learning to use the cooperative learning of TGT type on the material substance and its form, (2) Results of learning and improving student learning outcomes after implementation of the cooperative learning of TGT type on the material substance and its form, and (3) whether or not there any significant correlation between the activity and the students’ learning outcomes after the implementation of the cooperative learning of TGT type on the material substance and its form.

This study used a quantitative approach, and the type of research conducted was the research which used the type of correlational research design was one group pretest-posttest design. Data taking of teachers and students’ activities  gained through observation sheet activities of students and teachers, learning outcomes data obtained through posttest students, data about students’ improvement in learning outcomes obtained from the pretest and posttest, and the data whether or not there any relation on activity against students’ learning outcomes which obtained through the average data value of students’ activity and students’ learning outcomes as well as the data were analyzed using product moment. The study population was class at VII Grade on Semester I of SMP Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya on Academic Year 2016/2017. The research sample was class VII-3 which amount to 23 students.

Results of the study showed that: (1) teacher’s activities on physics teaching by using cooperative learning of TGT type had good category on the average percentage 83,90% and  the student’s on teaching by using cooperative learning model of TGT type quite good category on the average percentage 68,19%, (2) students’ learning outcomes after the cooperative learning model of TGT type applied based on the degree of completeness there were 12 students, or 66.67%, while students who did not complete was 6 students, or 33.33%, the average value of pretest before the implementation of cooperative learning of TGT type ,the amount of  material substance and its form was 30.93 average value posttest learning outcomes after the implementation on cooperative learning of TGT type, the amount of material substance and its form was 68.78, Gain average value or the enhancement of average value in students’ learning outcomes was at 37.85 and the average of N-gain value  was 0.54 with the medium category and (3) based on the analysis of hypothesis testing using significant test showed that there is no significant correlation between activity and students’ learning outcomes after the implementation of the cooperative model of TGT type on the material substance and its form with the significance level of 0,05.

Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model of TGT type, Student Activities, Student learning outcomes, substance and its form.

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